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 Our Star Spangled Spectacular is a family-friendly annual event to celebrate Independence Day and is held July 3rd and 4th along the shores of beautiful Storm Lake, Iowa.  The theme for our 2019 4th of July Celebration is “Coming Home”.  We invite all of our family and friends who have moved away to come home this year and celebrate with us.


There will be entertainment starting late in the afternoon on July 3rd with a car cruise, kiddie parade and music in the bandshell to kick off the holiday.


We start early in the morning of the fourth with the Ride-Run around the lake and then the Big Parade starting at 10:30am near Buena Vista University. After the parade, our local non-profit agencies will be selling a variety of “yummy” food in our parks.


There will be a myriad of entertainment throughout the afternoon and plenty of food vendors to keep you fed and not go thirsty! Give tribute to our nation at our Patriotic ceremony. Visit Artists Alley and Vendors row for a unique shopping experience. Top off your celebration with fireworks at dusk!


See our complete schedule of events for more details.

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